Basmati Rice
Basmati is a variety of long-grain rice famous for its unique aroma and exotic taste. It is only grown in northern India and parts of Pakistan touching India. It is rumored that the best Basmati rice is the one grown in the foothills of the Himalayas. Its name derives from the Sanskrit word “vasmati” which means “fragrant” or “aromatic”. Its unique smell is due to the presence of a chemical called 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, which occurs naturally in basmati rice at about 90 parts per billion. That’s about 12 times more than in other types of rice, giving basmati its special aroma.
After harvest Basmati rice is aged in order to decrease its moisture content and dense its aroma. So we can tell that Basmati rice improves with age! Basmati kernels have the characteristic to elongate more than twice its original length post cooking.
The company Rice Mills of Thessaloniki provides only the finest quality Basmati rice with fluffy, light texture and a delicate unmistakable nutty flavor for an exotic, wholesome and nutritious addition to every day diet.